Arrow Moving Company (NJ)

Rated 3.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)
Arrow moving company - New Jersey Movers

Essential Information

Welcome to Arrow Moving Company

Arrow Moving Company, established 35 years ago in New Jersey, offers moving services in Mine Hill and surrounding areas. They offers a variety of services, and specializes in long distance and local moves.

You can find above all essential information about Arrow Moving Company. Also, you can read customers testimonials or to write a review yourself about the company and the service you got.

Use our quick moving estimator, and discover your estimated moving costs by entering your move size and required services into our simple calculator for an approximate rate.

Customer Reviews

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2 reviews for Arrow Moving Company (NJ)

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    David Moore, Chief Real Estate Officer

    Our organization, NewBridge Services, has moved office and residential locations multiple times and have never been disappointed. Their willingness to tackle difficult moves is impressive. They are excellent in planning and careful and have NOT damaged walls or floors during their moves. I can only say that you will be happy with their services and pricing. They are a great group of people and I highly recommend them for all of your moving needs!

  2. Rated 1 out of 5


    DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. I didn’t even hire them, and it’s the most unprofessional experience I’ve had with any service! This company was at my apartment building moving someone out. They nearly blocked the entrance to our parking garage and completely blocked the door from the garage into the building with furniture. I had to push furniture aside to get in. As they were moving something into the truck, I called out to them, saying they cannot block that entrance. Both Scott (who appears to be the OWNER of the company) and a much older gentleman completely ignored me. I repeated again and said I knew they could hear me. Scott looked up and said “What do you want me to do?! I’m in the middle of something!” and waved me off. I angrily told them to stop blocking the driveway and the doors, to which Scott replied like a child for me to “call his boss” (presumably because he owns the company). I actually did try calling the number on the side of the truck, and it’s a bogus number. I cannot believe someone who owns their own business would be willing to represent themselves so poorly. There are movers everywhere; use someone else.

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With MovingB you can do the following online:

Once you’ve selected your preferred moving company, it’s time to begin preparations for your relocation. To assist you in this process, MovingB provides a variety of helpful resources and tools to ensure a smooth moving experience.

Inventory List

With MovingB, you can create your inventory list quickly and easily.

Moving Calculator

With MovingB, you can calculate all your moving costs.

Moving Checklist

With MovingB, you can download a checklist and follow the progress of your move preparations.

What To Do Before My Move Day?

Preparing before your move day is crucial for a smoother, less stressful relocation experience. Proper planning allows you to organize your belongings, declutter unnecessary items, and pack systematically, reducing the risk of damage or loss.
It also gives you time to research and hire Arrow Moving Company (NJ) or any other reputable mover.

Go Through The Following Important Recommendations

Streamline your move by sorting through your home and storage units, decluttering by donating or selling unnecessary items. This will reduce the space needed on the moving truck, ultimately saving you money on transportation costs.

Remember to discontinue your utility services and cancel any subscriptions like cable, satellite, or internet at your current address to avoid unnecessary charges for unused services after you move.

Procure your packing supplies ahead of time to save money, as purchasing these materials from movers often comes at a premium price.

Empower your move by exploring our comprehensive MovingB guides, including our FAQ section and informative articles, packed with valuable moving tips and expert advice.

Download and print our comprehensive moving checklist to stay organized throughout your relocation process.

How To Pack Before Moving?

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