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Altoona Movers

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Best Movers in Altoona, PA

Why to move to Altoona, PA?

Altoona is a city located in Blair County, Pennsylvania and has a population of over 40,000. It is the 11th largest city in this state and has a population density of over 4,000 per square mile. Since the last consensus, its population has declined by almost 8% and seems to be on a steady decline moving forward.

Pennsylvania state flag
Pennsylvania state flag

When is the best time to move to Altoona?

Weather is an important aspect in moving. Considering the warm summers and extremely cold winters, the best time for moving is between February and May. This will help you avoid the overcrowding in warm weather due to the tourists that come pouring in as indicated by the tourist scores.

Some of the key points regarding Altoona are as follows:

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