22 Century Van Lines (VA)

  • 3128 Chepstow Ln
    Falls Church , VA 22042
  • Phone number : (703)876-6000
  • www.22vanlines.com
  • DOT 2252015
  • Inspections / Crashes

Movers In Falls Church

Welcome to 22 Century Van Lines

22 Century Van Lines, established by Alex Pinedo 15 years ago in Virginia, offers moving services in Falls Church and surrounding area. The company offers a variety of services and they specializes in residential and junk removal services. Give them a call or ask for moving quotes online.

You can find above all essential information about 22 Century Van Lines. Also, you can read customers testimonials or write a review yourself about the company and the service you got.

Afterwards we recommend you to do the following:

Do your Inventory list, It’s never been easier! remember, knowing the overall weight of your belongings it’s important.

Visit our YouTube channel and watch our helpful informative videos. Don’t forget to follow our moving checklist and to read our helpful moving tips.

How To Pack Before Moving:

Address of 22 century van lines company Falls Churh VA

Quick Moving Estimator

What to do before my move day?

According to our moving process, you can do as follow:

Organize your belongings, donate or sell unusable items. Save some space on the truck which will save you money.

Cancel your utilities bills, save some money and not pay for cable, satellite, internet or any other unused services.

Order packaging materials in advance. The price will be much cheaper than to buy it from the movers.

Read our move guide, FAQ section and our moving blog.

Print out our moving checklist and keep it handy.


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